Day 1 Reflections - Sean Koh

Posted by Anonymous at 8:37 pm

3 words to describe today's experience
Hot, cold & warm. The hot experience in the Steel factory, the cold weather and the warm reception of the locals summarize the day.

3 highlights of today
Firstly, trying to eat spicy food for the first time in my life. Although I gulped down many glasses of water after, I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new.
Secondly, visiting the POSCOS factory was very exciting. I could feel and hear the processes of producing steel from a close but safe distance. It felt like I was watching a Steven Spielberg movie with all the special effects

3 things I've learnt about Korea
First, their leaders have great foresight and persisted to develop a steel industry to improve its economy although they were rejected by many international organizations. This persistent paid off as Korea has become one of the world leaders in technological developments. The people are very hospitable. The tour guides and staff were very friendly and rendered help whenever it was required.

3 things I learnt about myself
I learnt that I can push my limits and live outside my comfort zone. Today I ate spicy food for the first time in my life and it was not so bad.  I've learnt that I can be responsible and make appropriate decisions. I rejected the temptation of watching movies on the plane and instead got some quality sleep.

3 things that did not go so well
I forgot my S&W attire this morning and had to trouble my relatives to deliver it to the airport.
My MacBook crashed just before I left for the airport so I had to bring an iPad instead.
I tried the spicy food and the food might have caused some physical discomfort

3 things I'm looking forward to tomorrow
I looking forward to the interesting and engaging lessons and activities at Busan Science High School. I'm also excited to meet my old buddy from the previous trip and my new buddy. I'm looking forward to the cooling weather which make me feel more comfortable

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