Pre-Trip Reflection - Chiu Chen Ning
Posted by Anonymous at 6:36 pm- How do you feel about the upcoming trip?
I am feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation towards the upcoming trip, as I look forward to experiencing a brand new culture and it is my first time visiting a country during the winter season.
- 3 things that I am looking forward to
I look forward to attending the lessons at Busan Science High School to learn how their curriculum is like, experiencing authentic Korean cuisine, as well as observing the different technologies present in Busan.
- 3 things I hope to learn from Busan/South Korea
I hope to observe how technology has been successfully integrated into the lives of people is Busan, how various industries in Busan maintain their competitive edge and see what aspects of Busan can be adapted into Singapore society.
- 3 things I hope to learn from my friends
I hope that the students we meet in Busan will show us their culture from the perspective of a local, learn of the differences between Singaporean and Korean culture, and ultimately to forge strong bonds with them.
- 3 things I hope to learn about myself
I wish to acquire skills in socialising with people from different cultures, how to extract key information from our surroundings and to work better in a project team through our research project.
- 3 challenges I give myself
The personal goals I would set for this strip would be to immerse myself in Korean culture, gain a better understanding of how technology is present in the different facets of Busan and apply the skills I learn in Busan into my daily life.
- What are my expectations of Korea?
I hope that Koreans and Korea itself to provide a host of learning opportunities for myself as a student, including some that I wish to apply to my daily life back in Singapore.