Pre Trip Reflection - Timothy Kom

Posted by Anonymous at 4:44 pm

Pre-Trip Reflection
Feelings about upcoming trip
I feel excited about the upcoming trip as I will get to learn more about the Korean culture and understand their way of life as we participate in the lessons and activites of Busan Science High School. 

3 things I am looking forward to
  • I look forward to trying out Korean food and experiencing the temperate climate. I also look forward to
  • meeting new friends and also learning more about my current friends.

3 things I hope to learn from Busan/South Korea
  • I hope to learn more about the Korean culture and experience Korean school life. I also hope to gain a better understanding of the similarities between Busan and Singapore and what we can learn from them, applying the knowledge to Singapore to improve our lives. (e.g. how to alleviate port congestion). Lastly, I hope to learn more about how the teachers teach and how the students learn. 
3 things I hope too learn from my friends
  • I hope to learn to relate with people of a different culture, how they cope with the cold weather
  • and the Korean culture and way of life.

3 things I hope to learn about myself
  • I wish to know how well I work with others with the presence of a language barrier and how quickly I can adjust to the climate of a foreign country. I will also try to complete my work/research while on the move and see if I can concentrate on my work. 

3 challenges I give myself
  • I challenge myself to learn as much of the Korean language as possible and eat more spicy food. 
  • I will try to complete my reflection / journal on the bus.

My expectations of Korea

  • - Cooler weather
  • - Different culture
  • - Larger cities compared to Singapore

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